This topic has waged on for decades with strong views both supporting Photography as an Art and also refuting it. Even among my friends and family I have discovered with great personal horror some believe that believe Photography is not art. I will without a doubt prove that Photography is art. Well it sounds good but that is not likely but at least I think as a Photographer as I should make my case.
The main argument against photography being an art seems to center around the belief that the camera does almost all of the work meaning it is a mechanical process. Push a button get a photo there is no creativity in that, or is there?
Well I have considered this a lot and looked to other Photographers for their opinions and our official response was something like of course it is so Nyaaaaa. But that seemed too simplistic and I have to fill up more space for this blog so let me expand a little on that a little. I will concede that it is true that a mechanical process must occur to prodcuce a photograph. It does not matter if it is by use of a simple man made pinhole camera using a box with a hole in it or a $7,000 DSLR that is still true but composition is the basis of our argument for photography being considered an art.
Using the infinite monkey theorem a random person can take a really great photo every once in a while after using a machine/camera but why are some photographers frequently able to put out photographs that attract attention, create an emotional response and make us pause and say wow while others rarely create an interesting photo after many failed attempts? The answer simply put is it all comes down to composition. Composition is required in all art forms. Composition brings the elements of a work of art together in a way that is visually intriguing or compelling. Just like a master painter a great photographer must use their eye to visually compose a photograph both before taking the shot and after as well by editing/developing/processing the photo.
I ask you to think about the following things the next time you see a photograph that captures your attention. If there is a person or people in the photograph, What do you think the relationships between the people are or what the relationship between the person/people in the photograph and the photographer? What do facial expressions and or body language suggest to you?
No matter what type of photo it is also consider what is in focus and what is out of focus if anything? Why do you think parts are in focus or out of focus? What is going on in the background? Do you see any writing in the photo? Does it have any significance? What was left out of the image? Lastly what mood or feeling do you receive from the image.
Facing the Crowd
The photographer makes many conscious decisions about composition including what to include and exclude from a photo, the angle, the light, what is sharp and clear and what is blurred and out of focus. This is why I beleive Photography is not just a form of Art it is an important form of Art enjoyed by all cultures around the world.