Being a rebel and breaking the rulesRule of Photography - Never shoot people's backs. This is a rule of many street photographers. I have been told you can't take an interesting photo of someone's backside at least a dozen times. So of course what do I do but go out and shoot people's backsides to defy the rule well not really to defy the rule it just happens that I don't agree with it and I enjoy taking them. I am not a big fan of many of the so called "rules" that many photographers will try and instruct you on. After all isn't photography an art? Why should we be forced to follow a bunch of rules set down by some unidendifed person? I should also be clear that I am not a fan of calling them rules but think they should at best be thought of us guidelines.
Two lovely young ladies from Japan visiting the Washington Monument in DC It is my firm belief that if we all blindly follow all the general rules of Photography then all of our photo's will look like cookie cutter images than art. I think the true thrill of the rules being around is for me to find ways to break them (or at least bruise them a little). It is a good in general to shoot people's face and expression and that making eye contact can render a powerful image but that should not mean that not shooting their face iresults in a bad or uninteresting photograph. I hope you will agree.
Man connecting with a window display in SF Chinatown What are your thoughts on rules for Photography? Do you think rules are needed and we should photograph with them always in mind or should they be thought of as just a tip intended for beginers who do not yet have a feel for composition?
Woman stretching in leopard print - Northbeach, San Francisco
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